The Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts held a WTBA ranking test today (Saturday April 30, 2022)
after a bit of a pause do to the Covid 19 crisis. A pause in testing didn’t keep several students
from taking that time to train hard and prepare to test up in level.

Daniel Park, Joey Miyamoto, Miranda Pak, and Matt Jackson were all cheered on by family and
friends as they performed technical and endurance tests for Level 3 ranking in the WTBA. The
test was conducted by Kru Tsuyoshi Abe and Kru Marie Sia Lonero and supervised by Ajan
Chai Sirisute and Ajarn Dan Inosanto.

The WTBA test consists of review of each individuals ability to show technical expertise in
technique, different long counts, and the Wai Kru. The testing concludes with each individual
doing two 3 minute rounds where they must execute (and land) 60 kicks and 40 knees to a
holder who wears a belly pad, Thai pads, and shin guards. The holder also resists and can
attack back with kicking and punching.

Pad holders at this test were Kru Ann Margret Monteclaro, Kru Christian Franco, Kru Todd
Bigelow and Kru Khayman McDaniels. Many other WTBA students and instructors of various
levels were on hand to serve as coaches, counters, and staff to help facilitate the test. Everyone
was rewarded with a feast of Filipino food and other delectables courtesy of the Gironimi family,
Steve Brown, Paul Sobrepena, and Janel Villanueva.

It was a great day for everyone involved. A big congratulations from Martial Arts Lifestyle
Magazine Daniel, Joey, Miranda, and Matt.

For more information on the Inosanto Academy and its Muay Thai program go to:

For more information on the WTBA go to: